Friday, 25 May 2012

Open-mindedness in teenagers today

Well, I was going to do my third blog post yesterday, but I actually wasn't feeling too well yesterday. But now that I have some time now, I'll be starting my third blog post today, and like I said on my previous post, it's going to be about the way I've noticed how open teens are to new ideas...

Which group of teens here do you think is more likely to be open minded and not judge and assume things about others? Leave your answer in the comments below :)

Once I went to middle school, it feels a lot more different than elementary school not just with the school, but especially with the people. Today, I'll be talking about open-mindedness between teenagers, and what I have noticed/experienced.

During my grade 7 year which was my first year of middle school, it started off alright. But as the year went by, I found out that pretty much half of my class was backstabbing me, and I didn't really know why. It wasn't until during my next year that I found out it was all because my class was the complete opposite of "open-minded." Just because I was smart, pretty much my whole class was assuming that I was a "nerd", or "geek" at school, and after they assumed that, pretty much nobody in that class got to know me anymore. There was barely anybody in that class that was open to new ideas, and all that class pretty much did was judge me and assume things about me from how little they know about me. Some people were even like, "Oh, I already know enough about you. What else is there to know?" This class has got to be the the worst class that I have ever had in my whole life, and all of this relates back to open-mindedness. This class was the complete opposite of open-minded, and it didn't just happen to me. Pretty much everybody in my class was judged upon one another from what people know about them. From my observations, I have noticed that teens now a days are typically not open-minded, and they will assume a lot of things about you.

This was not the case in elementary school. Back then in elementary school, I didn't have to show who I was to people. Instead, they would just get to know me, and they wouldn't assume things about you from how little they actually know about you. Now around teens, I realized that if I don't show who I actually am to people at my school right away, most of them will start assuming things about you from how little they know. In my case in grade 7, people started judging me for what they thought I was, which lead to rumors and became really annoying. I just can't believe that in those few years of difference from elementary school to middle school, the way people think can change a lot more than you think.

I found a really unique video about open-mindedness in general (not just teens), and this really changed my perspective towards open-mindedness. It is a bit long, but it's definitely worth the time:

My Opinion:

To be honest, I think that once teenagers are influenced by others, their amount of open-mindedness changes because of quite a few factors. This is really annoying to me, since after I was judged on who I am during my first year in middle school, I noticed that I was influenced by this too and I wasn't as open-minded as I used to be. Although I haven't heard a lot about teenagers back then, I think that they would still be more open-minded as they would talk a lot more back then, and there also wasn't too much stuff to influence them into judging and assuming things about others. But now, with technology and a new generation, so many things can change the way a teen thinks about certain things which affects how open they are to stuff. For example, teens can be influenced by their friends from peer-pressures and social pressures, and with a huge advance in technology, teens can influence others by texting, social networks, and more.

I personally do not like where this is going. I would rather have a simpler life with teenagers around me being more open to things even if it means having less technology, than to have the life right now, where teenagers aren't open to things because of many pressures. If this is what happens in our generation with teenagers now, who knows what will happen in future generations? Do you think that in the future, teens will become even more judgmental and be open to even less ideas, or do you think that they could be open-minded the way teens were back in the 1900's? Answer this question in the poll for my third blog post, on the right sidebar.

There's also an interesting website that I found about why teenagers might not be as open-minded as they were when they were younger, so I thought that I'd share it:

My next topic will be about being yourself and I'll be talking about why people these days just don't be who they are as much anymore.


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